Click the colored region to get the detailed information
genome size:37282bp
Region Region Position Best matching Phage(blastn) Best matching Phage(blastp) Prophage annotation
DBSCAN-SWA_1 259 : 35905 Streptococcus phage phiNJ2, complete genome Streptococcus_phage(100.0%)
Column name Description
Region Detection method + the number assigned to the region, e.g. DBSCAN-SWA_1
Region Position The start and end positions of the region on the bacterial chromosome
Best matching Phage (blastn) The phage genome with the longest aligned length with the predicted prophage region based on BLASTN searching (default:e-value=1e-10)
BLASTN searching: Blastn the nucleotide sequence of the prophage region with our Virus database (10230 phage complete genomes collected from NCBI), phage_ncbi_refseq_def_info.txt
Best matching Phage(blastp) The phage taxonomy with the most homologous proteins with the predicted prophage region based on BLASTP searching (default:e-value=1e-7)
BLASTP searching: Blastp the protein sequences of the prophage region with our Uniprot protein database (3,531,913 phage proteins collected from UniProt),uniprot_reference_phage_and_virus_TrEMBL_taxonomy_table.txt
Prophage annotation Click the detail button to show detail annotation of the prophage region, including Identified phage-like proteins and tRNA sites, and BLASTN matching result of the best hitting phage genome