Retrieve the results by the job ID in Results page: PHIS_202010061101251

total 27 bacterial sequence(s) are input, remove 5 bacterial sequence(s) (length < 1000bp) and 22 bacterial sequence(s) are retained to execute PHISDector for predition of hosts.

Contig_ID Contig_Def Genome_Size(bp) Predicted_Infecting_Phage_Number
GL454583 GL454583 Enterococcus faecalis TX1342 genomic scaffold Scfld214 41070 0
GL454571 GL454571 Enterococcus faecalis TX1342 genomic scaffold Scfld75 77287 0
GL454584 GL454584 Enterococcus faecalis TX1342 genomic scaffold Scfld258 412277 0
GL454561 GL454561 Enterococcus faecalis TX1342 genomic scaffold Scfld20 167955 0
GL454585 GL454585 Enterococcus faecalis TX1342 genomic scaffold Scfld283 754011 9
GL454576 GL454576 Enterococcus faecalis TX1342 genomic scaffold Scfld93 34146 0
GL454568 GL454568 Enterococcus faecalis TX1342 genomic scaffold Scfld63 50230 0
GL454565 GL454565 Enterococcus faecalis TX1342 genomic scaffold Scfld47 82614 0
GL454567 GL454567 Enterococcus faecalis TX1342 genomic scaffold Scfld58 62696 0
GL454582 GL454582 Enterococcus faecalis TX1342 genomic scaffold Scfld146 368128 0
GL454569 GL454569 Enterococcus faecalis TX1342 genomic scaffold Scfld68 126438 0
GL454563 GL454563 Enterococcus faecalis TX1342 genomic scaffold Scfld24 61728 0
GL454566 GL454566 Enterococcus faecalis TX1342 genomic scaffold Scfld54 89346 0
GL454578 GL454578 Enterococcus faecalis TX1342 genomic scaffold Scfld105 227686 0
GL454580 GL454580 Enterococcus faecalis TX1342 genomic scaffold Scfld115 1755 0
GL454560 GL454560 Enterococcus faecalis TX1342 genomic scaffold Scfld19 28382 0
GL454564 GL454564 Enterococcus faecalis TX1342 genomic scaffold Scfld25 50992 0
GL454574 GL454574 Enterococcus faecalis TX1342 genomic scaffold Scfld83 1903 0
GL454579 GL454579 Enterococcus faecalis TX1342 genomic scaffold Scfld112 105754 0
GL454573 GL454573 Enterococcus faecalis TX1342 genomic scaffold Scfld77 1556 0
GL454562 GL454562 Enterococcus faecalis TX1342 genomic scaffold Scfld22 47742 0
GL454559 GL454559 Enterococcus faecalis TX1342 genomic scaffold Scfld7 39231 0


1. If bacterial contig size < 1000bp, PHISDetector will not consider this contig.

2. If the input file is multi-fasta format, PHISDetector will consider no more than 50 contigs(length>=1000bp)

Predicted infecting phage information

Lists of Predicted infecting phage keywords

Strong:  the bacterium-phage pair passes Criterion 1
Weak:  the bacterium-phage pair passes Criterion 2 but doesn't pass Criterion 1
Not validated

Phage_ID Phage_Def Score CRISPR Prophage Genetic homology Sequence composition PPI PHIS Details
MH355583 Enterococcus phage vB_EfaS_LM99 1.0 Strong No No Yes No
MK125140 Enterococcus phage Nonaheksakonda 1.0 Strong No No Yes No
KR131750 Enterococcus phage Ec-ZZ2 1.0 Strong No No Yes No
KX284704 Enterococcus phage SANTOR1 1.0 Strong No No Yes No
MF678789 Enterococcus phage phiSHEF4 1.0 Strong No No Yes No
MH203384 Enterococcus phage vB_EfaS_AL2 1.0 Strong No No Yes No
MK721191 Enterococcus phage vB_EfaS_Ef5.4 1.0 Strong No No Yes No
MK721199 Enterococcus phage vB_EfaS_Ef5.1 1.0 Strong No No Yes No
MK721200 Enterococcus phage vB_EfaS_Ef5.3 1.0 Strong No No Yes No