Retrieve the results by the job ID in Results page: PHIS_2020100611011162

total 2 bacterial sequence(s) are input, remove 0 bacterial sequence(s) (length < 1000bp) and 2 bacterial sequence(s) are retained to execute PHISDector for predition of hosts.

Contig_ID Contig_Def Genome_Size(bp) Predicted_Infecting_Phage_Number
NZ_CP053285 NZ_CP053285.1 Escherichia coli strain SCU-104 plasmid pSCU-104-1 1549 0
NZ_CP053284 NZ_CP053284.1 Escherichia coli strain SCU-104 chromosome 5244439 17


1. If bacterial contig size < 1000bp, PHISDetector will not consider this contig.

2. If the input file is multi-fasta format, PHISDetector will consider no more than 50 contigs(length>=1000bp)

Predicted infecting phage information

Lists of Predicted infecting phage keywords

Strong:  the bacterium-phage pair passes Criterion 1
Weak:  the bacterium-phage pair passes Criterion 2 but doesn't pass Criterion 1
Not validated

Phage_ID Phage_Def Score CRISPR Prophage Genetic homology Sequence composition PPI PHIS Details
MH422554 Escherichia phage P1 1.0 Strong No No Yes Yes
MH445380 Escherichia virus P1 isolate transconjugant 2(L-II) 1.0 Strong No No Yes Yes
MH445381 Escherichia virus P1 1.0 Strong No No Yes Yes
MG710528 Escherichia phage GER2 1.0 No Strong Strong Yes No
KP682374 Escherichia phage PA8 1.0 No Strong Weak Yes No
HG803185 Escherichia phage P13357 complete 1.0 No Weak Strong Yes No
KU298437 Escherichia phage phiON-2011 1.0 No Weak Strong Yes No
HG792104 Escherichia phage P13771 1.0 No Weak Strong Yes No
HG803184 Escherichia phage P13353 complete 1.0 No Weak Strong Yes No
HG803182 Escherichia phage P13363 complete 1.0 No Weak Strong Yes No
JQ011318 Escherichia phage TL-2011c 1.0 No Weak Strong Yes No
HG792103 Escherichia phage P8983 1.0 No Weak Strong Yes No
KF971864 Escherichia phage phi191 1.0 No Weak Strong Yes No
HG803183 Escherichia phage P13368 complete 1.0 No Weak Strong Yes No
HG792102 Escherichia phage P13803 1.0 No Weak Strong Yes No
HE664024 Escherichia phage P13374 complete proviral 1.0 No Weak Strong Yes No
HG792105 Escherichia phage P14437 1.0 No Weak Strong Yes No