Retrieve the results by the job ID in Results page: PHIS_202010061101120

total 2 bacterial sequence(s) are input, remove 0 bacterial sequence(s) (length < 1000bp) and 2 bacterial sequence(s) are retained to execute PHISDector for predition of hosts.

Contig_ID Contig_Def Genome_Size(bp) Predicted_Infecting_Phage_Number
NZ_CP047843 NZ_CP047843.1 Staphylococcus aureus strain UP_620 chromosome 2779486 30
NZ_CP047844 NZ_CP047844.1 Staphylococcus aureus strain UP_620 plasmid unnamed 20730 0


1. If bacterial contig size < 1000bp, PHISDetector will not consider this contig.

2. If the input file is multi-fasta format, PHISDetector will consider no more than 50 contigs(length>=1000bp)

Predicted infecting phage information

Lists of Predicted infecting phage keywords

Strong:  the bacterium-phage pair passes Criterion 1
Weak:  the bacterium-phage pair passes Criterion 2 but doesn't pass Criterion 1
Not validated

Phage_ID Phage_Def Score CRISPR Prophage Genetic homology Sequence composition PPI PHIS Details
AP012341 Staphylococcus phage phi7401PVL DNA 1.0 No Strong Strong Yes No
MK290764 Staphylococcus virus B122 1.0 No Strong Strong Yes No
AP008954 Staphylococcus phage phiETA3 DNA 1.0 No Strong Strong Yes No
MG029516 Staphylococcus phage phiSa2wa_st93mssa 1.0 No Strong Strong Yes No
MF580410 Staphylococcus phage phiSa2wa_st1 1.0 No Strong Strong Yes No
EU861005 Staphylococcus phage phiSauS-IPLA35 1.0 No Strong Strong Yes No
JQ779023 Staphylococcus phage SMSAP5 1.0 No Strong Strong Yes No
MG029517 Staphylococcus phage phiSa2wa_st93 1.0 No Strong Strong Yes No
KX232515 Staphylococcus phage 3 AJ-2017 1.0 No Strong No Yes No
MG029513 Staphylococcus phage phiSa2wa_st72 1.0 No Strong Strong Yes No
MG770897 Staphylococcus phage SH-St 15644 1.0 No Strong Strong Yes No
AF424782 Staphylococcus aureus phage phi 12 1.0 No Strong Strong Yes No
JQ957932 Staphylococcus phage StauST398-2 1.0 No No Strong Yes No
KJ140076 Staphylococcus phage DW2 1.0 No Weak Strong Yes No
MK348510 Staphylococcus phage vB_SauS_fPfSau02 1.0 No Weak Strong Yes No
KF598856 Staphylococcus phage YMC/09/04/R1988 1.0 No Weak Strong Yes No
MG029514 Staphylococcus phage phiSa2wa_st78 1.0 No Weak Strong Yes No
EF462198 Staphylococcus phage tp310-2 1.0 No Weak Strong Yes No
AB045978 Staphylococcus phage phiSLT DNA 1.0 No Weak Strong Yes No
MG029511 Staphylococcus phage phiSa2wa_st30 1.0 No Weak Strong Yes No
MG029509 Staphylococcus phage phiSa2wa_st5 1.0 No Weak Strong Yes No
KT186243 Staphylococcus phage vB_SauS_phi2 1.0 No Weak Strong Yes No
DQ530362 Staphylococcus aureus phage phiNM4 1.0 No Weak Strong Yes No
MG029515 Staphylococcus phage phiSa2wa_st80 1.0 No Weak Strong Yes No
KT344895 Staphylococcus phage phiJB 1.0 No Weak Strong Yes No
JX174275 Staphylococcus phage LH1 1.0 No Weak Strong Yes No
KY056620 Staphylococcus phage P240 1.0 No Weak Strong Yes No
MH384261 Staphylococcus phage SA137ruMSSAST121PVL 1.0 No Weak Strong Yes No
MG029518 Staphylococcus phage phiSa2wa_st121mssa 1.0 No Weak Strong Yes No
AP009363 Staphylococcus phage phi2958PVL proviral DNA 1.0 No Weak Strong Yes No