Retrieve the results by the job ID in Results page: PHIS_2020100611011226

total 3 bacterial sequence(s) are input, remove 0 bacterial sequence(s) (length < 1000bp) and 3 bacterial sequence(s) are retained to execute PHISDector for predition of hosts.

Contig_ID Contig_Def Genome_Size(bp) Predicted_Infecting_Phage_Number
NZ_CP050865 NZ_CP050865.1 Escherichia coli strain 8-3-Ti3 chromosome 4899869 6
NZ_CP050867 NZ_CP050867.1 Escherichia coli strain 8-3-Ti3 plasmid unnamed2 7413 0
NZ_CP050866 NZ_CP050866.1 Escherichia coli strain 8-3-Ti3 plasmid unnamed1 233800 3


1. If bacterial contig size < 1000bp, PHISDetector will not consider this contig.

2. If the input file is multi-fasta format, PHISDetector will consider no more than 50 contigs(length>=1000bp)

Predicted infecting phage information

Lists of Predicted infecting phage keywords

Strong:  the bacterium-phage pair passes Criterion 1
Weak:  the bacterium-phage pair passes Criterion 2 but doesn't pass Criterion 1
Not validated

Phage_ID Phage_Def Score CRISPR Prophage Genetic homology Sequence composition PPI PHIS Details
FO818745 Escherichia phage RCS47 1.0 No Strong No Yes Yes
KR073660 Escherichia phage pro147 1.0 No Strong Strong Yes Yes
KR073661 Escherichia phage pro483 1.0 No Strong Strong Yes Yes
CP025902 Escherichia phage sp. 1.0 No No Strong Yes No
CP025874 Escherichia phage sp. 1.0 No Weak Strong Yes No
CP025887 Escherichia phage sp. 1.0 Weak No Strong Yes Yes