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Overview of predicted results

Overview of the results

Contig_ID Contig_def CRISPR array number Contig Signature genes Self targeting spacer number Target MGE spacer number Prophage number Anti-CRISPR protein number
LS483444 Streptococcus australis strain NCTC13166 genome assembly, chromosome: 1 0 crisprs csa3,DEDDh,cas3,csm6,DinG 0 0 7 0

Results visualization

1. LS483444
Click the left colored region to show detailed information
CRISPR_ID Spacer_Info Spacer_region Spacer_length Hit_ID Protospacer_location Mismatch Identity
CRISPR_ID Spacer_Info Spacer_region Spacer_length Hit_phage_ID Hit_phage_def Protospacer_location Mismatch Identity
Region Region Position Protein_number Hit_taxonomy Key_proteins Att_site Prophage annotation
DBSCAN-SWA_1 30257 : 38409 6 Synechococcus_phage(33.33%) NA NA
DBSCAN-SWA_2 220387 : 261820 46 Streptococcus_phage(20.0%) transposase,tRNA,bacteriocin,integrase,protease attL 249036:249054|attR 261858:261876
DBSCAN-SWA_3 522335 : 532452 9 Streptococcus_phage(50.0%) tRNA NA
DBSCAN-SWA_4 1330325 : 1342218 13 Staphylococcus_phage(25.0%) NA NA
DBSCAN-SWA_5 1466694 : 1475397 8 Tupanvirus(33.33%) transposase,tRNA NA
DBSCAN-SWA_6 1531651 : 1543732 13 Streptococcus_phage(75.0%) NA NA
DBSCAN-SWA_7 1700330 : 1770395 51 Bacillus_phage(28.57%) integrase,transposase,protease attL 1713778:1713795|attR 1780673:1780690
Acr ID Acr position Acr size Homology with known anti Neighbor HTH/AcRanker Neighbor Aca In prophage Protospacer in prophage