TIGR00372, conserved_hypothetical_protein, CRISPR-associated protein Cas4. This model represents a family of proteins associated with CRISPR repeats in a wide set of prokaryotic genomes. This scope of this model has been broadened since it was first built to describe an archaeal subset only. The function of the protein is undefined. Distantly related proteins, excluded from this model, include ORFs from Mycobacteriophage D29 and Sulfolobus islandicus filamentous virus and a region of the Schizosaccharomyces pombe DNA replication helicase Dna2p.
TIGR03743, SXT_TraD, conjugative coupling factor TraD, SXT/TOL subfamily. Members of this protein family are the putative conjugative coupling factor, TraD (or TraG), rather distantly related to the well-characterized TraD of the F plasmid. Members are associated with conjugative-transposon-like mobile genetic elements of the class that includes SXT, an antibiotic resistance transfer element in some Vibrio cholerae strains. [Mobile and extrachromosomal element functions, Other].
pfam03837, RecT, RecT family. The DNA single-strand annealing proteins (SSAPs), such as RecT, Red-beta, ERF and Rad52, function in RecA-dependent and RecA-independent DNA recombination pathways. This family includes proteins related to RecT.
pfam12844, HTH_19, Helix-turn-helix domain. Members of this family contains a DNA-binding helix-turn-helix domain. This family contains many example antitoxins from bacterial toxin-antitoxin systems. These antitoxins are likely to be DNA-binding domains.
cd10227, ParM_like, Plasmid segregation protein ParM and similar proteins. ParM is a plasmid-encoded bacterial homolog of actin, which polymerizes into filaments similar to F-actin, and plays a vital role in plasmid segregation. ParM filaments segregate plasmids paired at midcell into the individual daughter cells. This subfamily also contains Thermoplasma acidophilum Ta0583, an active ATPase at physiological temperatures, which has a propensity to form filaments.
cd19985, PBP1_ABC_HAAT-like, type 1 periplasmic ligand-binding domain of uncharacterized ABC (Atpase Binding Cassette)-type active transport systems predicted to be involved in uptake of hydrophobic amino acids or peptides. This subgroup includes the type 1 periplasmic ligand-binding domain of uncharacterized ABC (Atpase Binding Cassette)-type active transport systems that are predicted to be involved in the uptake of hydrophobic amino acids or peptides. This subgroup has high sequence similarity to members of the family of hydrophobic amino acid transporters (HAAT), such as leucine-isoleucine-valine binding protein (LIVBP); however, its ligand specificity has not been determined experimentally.
TIGR01953, Transcription_elongation_protein_nusA., transcription termination factor NusA. This model describes NusA, or N utilization substance protein A, a bacterial transcription termination factor. It binds to RNA polymerase alpha subunit and promotes termination at certain RNA hairpin structures. It is named for the interaction in E. coli of phage lambda antitermination protein N with the N-utilization substance, consisting of NusA, NusB, NusE (ribosomal protein S10), and nusG. This model represents a region of NusA shared in all bacterial forms, and including an S1 (pfam00575) and a KH (pfam00013) RNA binding domains. Proteobacterial forms have an additional C-terminal region, not included in this model, with two repeats of 50-residue domain rich in acidic amino acids. [Transcription, Transcription factors].
The bacterium proteins that are colored denote the protein is present at specific phage-related keywords (such as 'capsid', 'head', 'integrase', 'plate', 'tail', 'fiber', 'coat', 'transposase', 'portal', 'terminase', 'protease' or 'lysin' and 'tRNA')