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Overview of predicted results

Overview of the results

Contig_ID Contig_def CRISPR array number Contig Signature genes Self targeting spacer number Target MGE spacer number Prophage number Anti-CRISPR protein number
NC_017738 Helicobacter cetorum MIT 00-7128 plasmid pHCW, complete sequence 0 crisprs NA 0 0 0 0
NC_017737 Helicobacter cetorum MIT 00-7128, complete genome 3 crisprs cas2,cas3,csx20,cas6,cas10,csm2gr11,csm3gr7,csm4gr5,csm5gr7,csx1,cas1 6 2 2 0

Results visualization

1. NC_017738
Click the left colored region to show detailed information
CRISPR_ID Spacer_Info Spacer_region Spacer_length Hit_ID Protospacer_location Mismatch Identity
CRISPR_ID Spacer_Info Spacer_region Spacer_length Hit_phage_ID Hit_phage_def Protospacer_location Mismatch Identity
Region Region Position Protein_number Hit_taxonomy Key_proteins Att_site Prophage annotation
Acr ID Acr position Acr size Homology with known anti Neighbor HTH/AcRanker Neighbor Aca In prophage Protospacer in prophage
2. NC_017737
Click the left colored region to show detailed information
CRISPR_ID CRISPR_location CRISPR_type Repeat_type Spacer_info Cas_protein_info CRISPR-Cas_info
NC_017737_1 494325-494427 Orphan NA
1 spacers

You can click texts colored in the table to view more detailed information

Click the colored protein region to show detailed information
CRISPR_ID CRISPR_location CRISPR_type Repeat_type Spacer_info Cas_protein_info CRISPR-Cas_info
NC_017737_2 1290126-1290230 Orphan NA
1 spacers

You can click texts colored in the table to view more detailed information

Click the colored protein region to show detailed information
CRISPR_ID CRISPR_location CRISPR_type Repeat_type Spacer_info Cas_protein_info CRISPR-Cas_info
NC_017737_3 1563836-1566442 TypeIII NA
33 spacers

You can click texts colored in the table to view more detailed information

Click the colored protein region to show detailed information
CRISPR_ID Spacer_Info Spacer_region Spacer_length Hit_ID Protospacer_location Mismatch Identity
NC_017737_3 3.7|1564344|38|NC_017737|PILER-CR,CRISPRCasFinder,CRT 1564344-1564381 38 NC_017737.1 652082-652119 0 1.0
NC_017737_3 3.23|1565576|40|NC_017737|PILER-CR,CRISPRCasFinder,CRT 1565576-1565615 40 NC_017737.1 1887484-1887523 0 1.0
NC_017737_3 3.29|1566049|39|NC_017737|PILER-CR,CRISPRCasFinder,CRT 1566049-1566087 39 NC_017737.1 1303598-1303636 0 1.0
NC_017737_3 3.32|1566283|45|NC_017737|PILER-CR,CRISPRCasFinder,CRT 1566283-1566327 45 NC_017737.1 1536632-1536676 0 1.0
NC_017737_3 3.33|1566365|41|NC_017737|PILER-CR,CRISPRCasFinder,CRT 1566365-1566405 41 NC_017738.1 5502-5542 0 1.0
NC_017737_3 3.9|1564496|41|NC_017737|PILER-CR,CRISPRCasFinder,CRT 1564496-1564536 41 NC_017737.1 1252492-1252532 2 0.951

1. spacer 3.7|1564344|38|NC_017737|PILER-CR,CRISPRCasFinder,CRT matches to position: 652082-652119, mismatch: 0, identity: 1.0

ctaaaaaagtcgccacacaatgcgaataatccctgcat	CRISPR spacer
ctaaaaaagtcgccacacaatgcgaataatccctgcat	Protospacer

2. spacer 3.23|1565576|40|NC_017737|PILER-CR,CRISPRCasFinder,CRT matches to position: 1887484-1887523, mismatch: 0, identity: 1.0

tcttacccactaaaatcatgcccgcactcacataagtgcc	CRISPR spacer
tcttacccactaaaatcatgcccgcactcacataagtgcc	Protospacer

3. spacer 3.29|1566049|39|NC_017737|PILER-CR,CRISPRCasFinder,CRT matches to position: 1303598-1303636, mismatch: 0, identity: 1.0

ttgctaaaaagccttcactatgcgccaatgcactccaag	CRISPR spacer
ttgctaaaaagccttcactatgcgccaatgcactccaag	Protospacer

4. spacer 3.32|1566283|45|NC_017737|PILER-CR,CRISPRCasFinder,CRT matches to position: 1536632-1536676, mismatch: 0, identity: 1.0

tctaaaggcgtgaattgattaaaaatttgtgaaattttaggataa	CRISPR spacer
tctaaaggcgtgaattgattaaaaatttgtgaaattttaggataa	Protospacer

5. spacer 3.33|1566365|41|NC_017737|PILER-CR,CRISPRCasFinder,CRT matches to position: 5502-5542, mismatch: 0, identity: 1.0

ttcgcttaaaagcatttgataaatgcgtattgcataatagc	CRISPR spacer
ttcgcttaaaagcatttgataaatgcgtattgcataatagc	Protospacer

6. spacer 3.9|1564496|41|NC_017737|PILER-CR,CRISPRCasFinder,CRT matches to position: 1252492-1252532, mismatch: 2, identity: 0.951

ggtagctggattagaattgattaagataactctataaccca	CRISPR spacer
ggtggcgggattagaattgattaagataactctataaccca	Protospacer
***.** **********************************

CRISPR_ID Spacer_Info Spacer_region Spacer_length Hit_phage_ID Hit_phage_def Protospacer_location Mismatch Identity
NC_017737_3 3.33|1566365|41|NC_017737|PILER-CR,CRISPRCasFinder,CRT 1566365-1566405 41 NC_017738 Helicobacter cetorum MIT 00-7128 plasmid pHCW, complete sequence 5502-5542 0 1.0
NC_017737_3 3.33|1566365|41|NC_017737|PILER-CR,CRISPRCasFinder,CRT 1566365-1566405 41 NC_017736 Helicobacter cetorum MIT 99-5656 plasmid pHCD, complete sequence 9660-9700 2 0.951
NC_017737_3 3.11|1564651|37|NC_017737|PILER-CR,CRISPRCasFinder,CRT 1564651-1564687 37 NZ_CP041064 Bacillus megaterium strain KNU-01 plasmid pKNU_01_1, complete sequence 84504-84540 8 0.784
NC_017737_3 3.11|1564651|37|NC_017737|PILER-CR,CRISPRCasFinder,CRT 1564651-1564687 37 NZ_CP018876 Bacillus megaterium strain JX285 plasmid 3, complete sequence 130066-130102 8 0.784
NC_017737_3 3.11|1564651|37|NC_017737|PILER-CR,CRISPRCasFinder,CRT 1564651-1564687 37 CP041518 Bacillus aryabhattai strain KNU10 plasmid unnamed2, complete sequence 106146-106182 8 0.784

1. spacer 3.33|1566365|41|NC_017737|PILER-CR,CRISPRCasFinder,CRT matches to NC_017738 (Helicobacter cetorum MIT 00-7128 plasmid pHCW, complete sequence) position: , mismatch: 0, identity: 1.0

ttcgcttaaaagcatttgataaatgcgtattgcataatagc	CRISPR spacer
ttcgcttaaaagcatttgataaatgcgtattgcataatagc	Protospacer

2. spacer 3.33|1566365|41|NC_017737|PILER-CR,CRISPRCasFinder,CRT matches to NC_017736 (Helicobacter cetorum MIT 99-5656 plasmid pHCD, complete sequence) position: , mismatch: 2, identity: 0.951

ttcgcttaaaagcatttgataaatgcgtattgcataatagc	CRISPR spacer
ctcgcttaaaagcatttgataaatgcgtatcgcataatagc	Protospacer

3. spacer 3.11|1564651|37|NC_017737|PILER-CR,CRISPRCasFinder,CRT matches to NZ_CP041064 (Bacillus megaterium strain KNU-01 plasmid pKNU_01_1, complete sequence) position: , mismatch: 8, identity: 0.784

tttaaaagcatcaagcacttaaatccaccaaaaaata	CRISPR spacer
ttttgatactccaagcacttgaaaccaccaaaaaata	Protospacer
*** .* .* .*********.** *************

4. spacer 3.11|1564651|37|NC_017737|PILER-CR,CRISPRCasFinder,CRT matches to NZ_CP018876 (Bacillus megaterium strain JX285 plasmid 3, complete sequence) position: , mismatch: 8, identity: 0.784

tttaaaagcatcaagcacttaaatccaccaaaaaata	CRISPR spacer
ttttgatactccaagcacttgaaaccaccaaaaaata	Protospacer
*** .* .* .*********.** *************

5. spacer 3.11|1564651|37|NC_017737|PILER-CR,CRISPRCasFinder,CRT matches to CP041518 (Bacillus aryabhattai strain KNU10 plasmid unnamed2, complete sequence) position: , mismatch: 8, identity: 0.784

tttaaaagcatcaagcacttaaatccaccaaaaaata	CRISPR spacer
ttttgatactccaagcacttgaaaccaccaaaaaata	Protospacer
*** .* .* .*********.** *************

Region Region Position Protein_number Hit_taxonomy Key_proteins Att_site Prophage annotation
DBSCAN-SWA_1 579495 : 585968 11 Helicobacter_phage(100.0%) NA NA
DBSCAN-SWA_2 595654 : 602379 9 Helicobacter_phage(100.0%) NA NA
Acr ID Acr position Acr size Homology with known anti Neighbor HTH/AcRanker Neighbor Aca In prophage Protospacer in prophage