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Overview of predicted results

Overview of the results

Contig_ID Contig_def CRISPR array number Contig Signature genes Self targeting spacer number Target MGE spacer number Prophage number Anti-CRISPR protein number
NZ_CP041641 Klebsiella pneumoniae strain PIMB15ND2KP27 plasmid pKP27-MCR1, complete sequence 0 crisprs DEDDh 0 0 0 0
NZ_CP041639 Klebsiella pneumoniae strain PIMB15ND2KP27 chromosome, complete genome 1 crisprs csa3,cas3,DEDDh,DinG,WYL 0 0 8 0
NZ_CP041642 Klebsiella pneumoniae strain PIMB15ND2KP27 plasmid pKP27-NDM4, complete sequence 0 crisprs NA 0 0 2 0
NZ_CP041640 Klebsiella pneumoniae strain PIMB15ND2KP27 plasmid pKP27-MPH, complete sequence 0 crisprs csa3 0 0 2 0

Results visualization

1. NZ_CP041639
Click the left colored region to show detailed information
CRISPR_ID CRISPR_location CRISPR_type Repeat_type Spacer_info Cas_protein_info CRISPR-Cas_info
NZ_CP041639_1 4418353-4418447 Orphan NA
1 spacers

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Click the colored protein region to show detailed information
CRISPR_ID Spacer_Info Spacer_region Spacer_length Hit_ID Protospacer_location Mismatch Identity
CRISPR_ID Spacer_Info Spacer_region Spacer_length Hit_phage_ID Hit_phage_def Protospacer_location Mismatch Identity
Region Region Position Protein_number Hit_taxonomy Key_proteins Att_site Prophage annotation
DBSCAN-SWA_1 1380075 : 1419291 58 Klebsiella_phage(57.14%) capsid,head,protease,tail,integrase,holin,portal,terminase attL 1383025:1383048|attR 1424284:1424307
DBSCAN-SWA_2 1645937 : 1652842 6 Planktothrix_phage(33.33%) tRNA NA
DBSCAN-SWA_3 1766482 : 1809124 60 Klebsiella_phage(46.15%) capsid,head,protease,tail,integrase,holin,portal,terminase attL 1766308:1766367|attR 1804122:1804186
DBSCAN-SWA_4 1956639 : 2029661 91 Escherichia_phage(19.3%) head,tail,integrase,plate,coat,terminase attL 1949535:1949552|attR 1982907:1982924
DBSCAN-SWA_5 2701211 : 2712099 10 Escherichia_phage(87.5%) NA NA
DBSCAN-SWA_6 3093314 : 3139452 56 Enterobacteria_phage(54.55%) capsid,head,tail,integrase,plate,portal,tRNA,terminase attL 3098542:3098559|attR 3135718:3135735
DBSCAN-SWA_7 3401948 : 3411422 8 Brazilian_cedratvirus(16.67%) tRNA,protease NA
DBSCAN-SWA_8 3892860 : 3944241 75 Cronobacter_phage(27.08%) head,integrase,lysis,tRNA,terminase attL 3892343:3892389|attR 3941312:3941358
Acr ID Acr position Acr size Homology with known anti Neighbor HTH/AcRanker Neighbor Aca In prophage Protospacer in prophage
2. NZ_CP041640
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CRISPR_ID Spacer_Info Spacer_region Spacer_length Hit_ID Protospacer_location Mismatch Identity
CRISPR_ID Spacer_Info Spacer_region Spacer_length Hit_phage_ID Hit_phage_def Protospacer_location Mismatch Identity
Region Region Position Protein_number Hit_taxonomy Key_proteins Att_site Prophage annotation
DBSCAN-SWA_1 4020 : 63044 54 uncultured_Caudovirales_phage(31.25%) integrase,transposase,protease attL 33004:33018|attR 69539:69553
DBSCAN-SWA_2 171768 : 185097 14 Escherichia_phage(80.0%) transposase,protease NA
Acr ID Acr position Acr size Homology with known anti Neighbor HTH/AcRanker Neighbor Aca In prophage Protospacer in prophage
3. NZ_CP041642
Click the left colored region to show detailed information
CRISPR_ID Spacer_Info Spacer_region Spacer_length Hit_ID Protospacer_location Mismatch Identity
CRISPR_ID Spacer_Info Spacer_region Spacer_length Hit_phage_ID Hit_phage_def Protospacer_location Mismatch Identity
Region Region Position Protein_number Hit_taxonomy Key_proteins Att_site Prophage annotation
DBSCAN-SWA_1 48747 : 70025 20 Escherichia_phage(50.0%) transposase NA
DBSCAN-SWA_2 98192 : 105226 7 Escherichia_phage(50.0%) integrase attL 94567:94579|attR 101835:101847
Acr ID Acr position Acr size Homology with known anti Neighbor HTH/AcRanker Neighbor Aca In prophage Protospacer in prophage